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los angeles
Is there a way to kind of more on a localized basis to monitor air quality. In other words, I'm kind of looking for another place to live, but I want to pick some place where the air is better. You know what I mean?
Can't get better than this area and the further you go into the city, the more toxic you get.
What about like Altadena, higher up? Are they better or not?
Terrible! There's a whole toxic layer that sits up there, right up on the mountain, halfway up the mountain. And that layer is probably 1500 feet thick.
Wow, cause I was at the impression-
if you ever go up in a small plane and you look at the layers, you'll see.
[Attendee #2]
Best area you said?
Anywhere along the beach.
Are there any like parts or anything, where do they actually do give you like a more specific report on the air?
They won't do that. Everybody would be discouraged.
Yeah. Then how do you know? Just because your smell of the-
I used to do some tests.
I took flight lessons. I saw the layers.