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Mix it with certain foods, it neutralizes the bacteria, just milk is okay. When you put it with egg it neutralizes the bacteria, honey it'll definitely neutralize the bacteria.
I don't know a yogurt that's raw.
What about kefir?
Um, well, I don't eat that. The reason I don't eat it is because when they take a bacteria to make a yogurt or a kefir, they wash it, and that bacteria is never what it was us in the beginning. And every time they wash it in city water, there's new chemicals that are changing that bacteria.
I like to make my own kefir, my own yogurt with my own milk from its own bacteria. So, I'll put it in a dark cupboard, upper cupboard in the winter where it's warmer, lower cupboard in the summer where it's cooler. You have a very low ratio of time to be able to drink it all before it separates in the cottage cheese, but still, that's the way I prefer it.
The bacteria in kefir, isn't that from grains?
Some of it's from rennet, which is from the enzymes in a cow's stomach.
That's what I'm saying, I don't use any. Most starters like she said are from vegetables, they're not the natural bacteria in milk.
It's the type of bacteria that you put in it, one that'll thicken heavily. They're about four varieties. that'll make it thicken a lot, only when the milk is heated.
So, you put bacteria in your-?
No, I'm saying I do not.
It'll go, it'll go into Kefir and then it'll go into yogurt, then cottage cheese.
It will go if you let it sit.
In the fridge it still won't go into cottage cheese unless it's made that cycle. Yeah, most of the time it will. If you put honey in it, that helps to go into kefir and a yogurt very nicely and keeps it from going into cottage cheese and then you can refrigerate them. That'll keep much better. I use about 2 tablespoons per quart.
You can spit in it if you want your own enzymes if you want to have your own medicine. So, your own enzymes are in the milk pre-digesting it, then expectorating into it. You know, maybe you know about a teaspoon of spit in there.
No. I usually wait until the milk is room temperature, then I'll put the honey in it and then I'll just sit there and nurture it for a while when I'm reading or doing something and set it because once it mixes finely it doesn't separate again. Well, keep it in a dark space anyway and then when it becomes room temperature I add the honey, shake it and put it back in the dark place. Shaking it to get the honey to mix in more.
It depends on how cold the honey is. I keep my house very cold, except in the summer I don't need much, I rarely use the heat just when patients are coming over. So, everything is very cold. So, for me, it sometimes takes five minutes of, you know, just going like this and that to do that, but in the summer, it takes about a minute, and it'll dissolve.
How long does it take without the honey?
Without the honey, it depends upon room temperature and temperature of the milk. It takes anywhere from, in the winter and a cold house, like mine would say it's 60 degrees in my house or 57 degrees. It could take three days. If it's 80 degrees in my house, it could take a day and a half to get to kefir state and then another 10 to 12 hours in that kind of heat to get to the yogurt state and then you have a very brief period where it'll go into cottage cheese, separate into it, but with the honey in it, it doesn't do that as well.
[Attendee #2]
When you're eating certain cheeses, they also have certain bacteria's...
Yeah, that's fine. When you're eating cheeses you're eating a mold, you're eating a moldy food and that helps clean out a lot of garbage because it pulls poisons to the stomach and intestines and binds with them. You don't really digest much cheese; cheese is there as an absorbent.
Also, what'll happen is it'll help you utilize a lot of healthy minerals. So, you bind those minerals from your juice and your other foods to bind with poisons. The minerals in the cheese will do that and leave your other minerals for utilization in the body. So, it's great to get rid of pain.