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What about ionizers?
I did research on ionizes in the seventies, in the early seventies and at that time what it caused was toxic molecules, including tars in the air to solidify and harden, and if you're breathing those, it's not a good thing.
So, I found it was okay if you had the ionizer on when you're not in the house.
When you're in the house, don't have it on. If you have an ionizer in your house and you have a picture, and you remove the picture and the whole wall's black, except for the where the picture is. That's what it does to your lungs, but it's only while you're in the room.
Ionizers clean the air?
That's what they say it does, but what it does is it cleans the tars out of the air, but then the molecule shoot right into something hard. That means it's gonna go into your body. You're inhaling. It's gonna go right into your lung walls and that's like smoking marijuana.