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We don't have milk easily available. In fact, it is illegal. This milk Claravale milk is illegal in Los Angeles County. They can call it off the shelf at any time.
It's the only county in California, that is illegal. You can get it any other county in California.
Now I've been fighting this for about a year and a half hard. I met with Zeviar Slosky's? health deputy last week or the week before, about 10 days ago. We were talking about the whole issue because I think that they should just dissolve the Los Angeles medical milk commission because we have the warning label on it.
We don't need a commission to look over the bacteria level because we know it has bacteria in it, and we want it to have a bacteria in it. So, get rid of the medical milk commission. They don't want to do it. Everybody's afraid of the bacteria, but they listened to me and he said, you know, you've got a good point.
You have the bacteria label on there. It should be released. It should be, that's a good argument because they let alcohol, they let cigarettes out, they have all that, and those are known problems, and a lot of the people that I speak with in the health department who MDs say that milk is a problem.
I said, okay, so that's a problem, we've got a label on it. Let's have our problem.
So, it may come down to another demonstration. Now I've had two demonstrations a year apart. The first time 8 people showed up, the second time 20 people showed up. If you give a fuck, show up.
Anybody that comes here and gets on the mailing list will get a notification. You've got to show up because if there aren't a hundred people to show up, the media will not attend and nobody cares. Nothing will change and we need to change it, which Zeviar Slosky's? health deputy Ron Hanson said to me, he said, "You're able to get milk here, Claravale milks on the market". And I said, "Yeah, even though you're not enforcing the law. Anybody at any time could say pull it and that's it".
I want insurance that you are not gonna enforce the law because I don't want the law to exist.
The only way we're going to be able to do it is to show up in numbers.
Well, I'd like to do it in June. It's a hot time to be downtown Los Angeles, but to organize everybody, it takes a few months. Maybe the end of May or mid-June, it'll be on a Tuesday. Tuesday is when the board of supervisors, who is the boss for the LA medical milk commission convenes on Tuesdays.
So, you've gotta show up at 9 o'clock in the morning, and you've got to be there till 2:30 - 3:00. I had some people that would come in, drop in for two hours and then take off. We did not make an impact. They didn't give a shit. Only one network showed up and it was a Spanish speaking network and I don't even think they aired it.
So, if you care about having milk and the freedom, you've got to speak up. I can't do this alone. I've been fighting this battle alone. I can't do it. You guys got to help me and help yourselves. So, I hope I have everybody's name and number. If you haven't received a flyer from the people who mail, then you're not on the mailing list.
If you received a flyer for this, then you're on the mailing list. If you didn't receive a flyer, get on the mailing list, it means leave your name and number with me.