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I've been accused of falling asleep in the middle of a sentence sometimes and if I can't stick my regular regular schedule where I nap when I need it...
Your body just needs rest and sleep. When I when I sued the city of Los Angeles and the police department in federal court, and I was the only lay person that was not an attorney to get the city of Los Angeles and the LA police department in federal court. I had them for 22 days- [Audio Cut]
They would ticket them and they force them into prostitution and doing drugs now, and they were just out there doing hair wraps and stuff like that. So, I filed suit on them and I only was able to get an hour and a half sleep a day for 21 days, 10 minutes at a time.
So, I never ate to satisfaction. I ate a half a cup of food every hour to an hour and 15 minutes. I rotated, half a cup of milk, one egg, half a cup of meat every hour to an hour and a half. So, it was never enough to make me feel relaxed, but it was enough to keep my mind working.
You recommend that for me?
Yeah. Then you just cut your meat meals down into very frequently small amounts, and then it will be almost impossible to sleep. And when you have to sleep, there's no stopping it, but it's only 10, 20 minutes at a time. For me, it was 10 minutes at a time. And I slept sometimes right in the court room 10 minutes at a time.
So, the cops were doing the prostitution?
No, no. The police were interfering with the runaways: doing hair wraps, making jewelry and stuff like that. They were ticketing them or kicking them off the beach. The only thing else they could do is prostitution or drugs.
How could you represent them?
Well, what I did was every time I saw Harry Perry, the guitar skating Sikh out there with the turban. He, Jerry Rubin the famous political activist here in Venice and I and Jingles all got together, but jingles didn't help a lot. But what we did was every time we saw a policeman harass one of the teenager runaways, we go up and hand them a card with an attorney and say, "This officer's breaking your freedom of right. Your right to be out here, this is public beach. It's a state property, it's a state beach you're allowed to be here. You're allowed to be taking your wares and selling them for donations or offering them for donations. So, if he tickets you, you sue him cuz he's breaking your rights. You haven't broken it".
So, the police got very angry with us. So, after 5.5 years, they arrested all of us without warrant, they held them for three hours. They held me for three days because I did it every day to them that I was out there.
So, that gave you stand?
And did you win the case against them?
No. What they did was they slipped in while the jury was out, they slipped a new juror in and he was working for the police department and worked for the police depart for 10 years. Stopped it right there.
Did they stop the deliberation?
No, all of a sudden, they come out of the room and there's a different juror there.
I brought it up in appeal and everything. The appellate court completely ignored it, didn't even respond to it. They do anything they want to do.
I've never seen them slip in a juror.
Oh, they did this time. There was no mention of a juror having to leave or anything like that.
Well, they had one 13 jurors. Then what happened to the 12 jurors?
Oh no. They whittled it down to six jurors. They only allowed me to have six jurors, they broke my rights left and right.
I should have been suspicious when the judge said to me, "If you take a hundred thousand dollars, I can make this go away". I should have known right away that I was already being set up.
If you would give him $100,000?
No, if I would accept $100,000, I was asking for 10 million.
You could have got a hundred thousand.
Yeah. I could have gotten a hundred thousand.