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This is poisoning and making them very unable to focus and concentrate. Also, the FDA says your protein level should be 9% - 12%. Hello? You need a lot more protein to be able to deal with a lot of toxicity in the system.
So, in an environment like ours, the diet should be at least 15% protein, minimum 15% protein calorie wise, fat should be 80%, carbohydrates only 5%.
In the sixties they had the four food groups and all that then they changed it to that pyramid? I'm like, who decided that?
Like all of a sudden, all grains and vegetables and then a tiny bit protein at the top, it used to be 25%.
[Attendee #2]
For the masses, they can't afford the protein, so they eat carbohydrates.
But then you just deteriorate health, but that's what they want to do. Obviously they don't want people to get healthy. It's not about that. If it were about that there wouldn't be vaccines and there wouldn't be war. This is about genocide, making money from genocide.