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hot baths
lymphatic congestion
Well, to the nose. If you have a snorkel, you fit your entire head under.
But let's say you do just have it up to your waist or something, are you still getting benefits on that?
Absolutely. In the lower part. Just remember you've got your main lymph glands here and here and here. That's your main lymph glands, those would need to be under your water the most.
Can you do one part at a time and another part a different day. You focus on them.
Well, that'll work, but you know, it won't work as well. Immersing the torso under is best. Even if you have just the water up to here, you're still gonna get all these glands. Maybe not these up in here, but you're gonna get most of them.
Even if you had to have your feet out of the water?
You've got glands up to here. But like I said, if you cross your legs like this, there's plenty of room in a small tub. I do it all the time. People are saying, I have to lift my legs out if I get down in. I say, well, you're not crossing your legs like this. It's easy.
When the knees go under, everything goes under.
All that skin that you have under loose under your arms? Is that all just congested, lymphatic?
Well, not only that, you're not dissolving dead skin. You've got so many poisons. Now, after I got those shots. First time, see that skin? I've never had skin like that and it also dropped here.
Now, since I started this heavy detox two months ago, all of that skin that was sagging here is now gone.
Because of the bath.
Yeah, well I went to a hot springs when this started coming out and I lived in the hot springs. I was in there eight hours a day.
Which hot spring?
Was that American people or American or?
Yes, well, they look Caucasian.Definitely, yeah.
But it tells all about the episode in one of my newsletters of last year.