Honey, and Infants







Question about honey and infants. They say not to feed them honey. 


Well, there are several reasons that they don't like to feed honey to infants. Most honey's heated to high temperatures. So, when the bee collects the nectar, swallows it, and he manufactures an insulin like substance, it converts the nectar into honey. Then he gets back to the hive, they vomit it. 

So, honey is bee puke. Basically, is what it is, but it has an insulin like substance, which converts 90% of the carbohydrate in it into enzymes for digesting, utilizing, and assembling proteins and only 10% sugar. Once you heat it up to 100°, between 93° and 100° degrees, you alter and destroy that insulin-like substance. 

So, then it's back into sugar. It's not a radical sugar until you take it over 104° and most honeys are heated at minimum of 118°. So, if an infant has that they'll have a sugar problem, it could cause anaphylaxis. Also, they worry about bacteria in honey, which is the most absurd thing because bacteria cannot thrive in honey 

In fact, they say that these, the people who've done the testing experiments have said that it's absolutely impossible to get bacteria to thrive and even sustain itself in honey. So, it's the anaphylactic children/infants will have from the high sugar of heated honeys, but it doesn't happen with unheated honeys.  

Unheated below 93°. 

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