Honey and Butter, Hormones For Physical Activity


activity rings









Well, basically I've been working on my health all my life and I also teach body meditation. I do a lot of body meditation. That's how I got my health back from being dead for a year and a half in 1995. So, I built my body back slowly, but none of the things that were advised to me worked through meditation, but as my energy coming in stronger and stronger. I'm getting jittery. And it was like, so I started looking around for doctors again and, and all the, ideas that were given to me were going, wow, that's hard to do. So, then I come up with, don't eat sugar, don't eat fat, don't do this, don't do that.

By the time you get through and with all the food allergies, it's like, okay, might as well go back to meditating. So, anyway, I got your book about two days ago. I won't go into how I got it, but I got it. I'm not supposed to have fat honey. I'm not supposed to have anything sweet, I'm not supposed to have anything fat.

So, I thought, okay, well I'm gonna try this in meditation. I'm gonna try the unheated honey the raw butter. All of which I had at my house because I was dying for those things. So, I made that mixture, and every half hour I would try it and you were talking about somebody in a coma. I don't know who.


My son.


Yeah. And so I tried it and, and I went this feels kind of sore the first time cuz I had this philosophical thing and then by the second or third time I thought, no, this feels kind of good. And so I'm gonna take for maybe three or four hours. At the end I thought, no, this is working. This is okay for me. I went, wow, I can have some fat and sugar. This is like the most thrilling thing I can.


Yeah. But here is not sugar.


I know, sweet.

So, then I tried the eggs. Well, I'm allergic eggs. I tried the egg, tomatoes, that's the trouble of being so educated in quotes, so tomatoes aren't good for eggs. They're supposed to be lectins that aren't good for you. And I thought, well, I have the tomatoes, I have the eggs, I have everything here, let me try this one.

So, I tried it, and of course I don't have the exact ingredients right, but that felt kind of good too.

Then my boyfriend said, "That is way too rich", and I thought it feels good. I mean, I put a little more tomato and a little less fat. So, I guess the way you're shaking your head, tomato is okay, it's not a lectin for a type A. You don't feel that.


So, and then allergic to eggs, you know that whole thing.


That's cooked.


Cooked eggs, right? That was my question though is in that discussion right there about the tomatoes and that's all I know really is that, but the jitteriness that's been going on really forever, and I think it's because when I was very young, I had the world's worst acne, don't know why, but they then x-rayed the face for that and then they don't put anything over your throat. So, then you have thyroid.

And so I don't know if every time I do something good, I get jittery because there's some things unresolved or what you're talking about, toxicity.


You're way off balance, like look at your hands and your skin. You're a high adrenaline, estrogen and testosterone individual. You create a lot of hormones for physical activity. If you don't utilize that physical activity and physical expression, you're gonna have to put it out in emotional expression. You will be jittery.

So, when you get on this diet, you get the raw cream and the nerve starts settling down and you exercise enough, you won't be jittering.


You don't mean like tai chi, that kind of exercise?


Any kind of exercise you enjoy: dancing, singing, singingis the most strenuous.


I get in these blockades where there's really not a choice. Like I have one hip, cuz I was born with two shallow hips. So, a lot of exercise, not particularly good.


What did I just say? Singing.


Oh, singing. I didn't hear that.


20 minutes of singing is an hour on a treadmill.


So, what I'm thinking is that I'm going get your book of recipes, I bought your DVD.


Which DVD? The recipe or the workshop?


The workshop.


There's a recipe DVD.


And then I thought I work with it a little bit, see how I do, so I'm appointed with it. And then come and see you and you can fine tune.




You know, that's kind of my idea.


Good idea. You're doing good. Always explore and experiment first and you find out the truth.

Get out of your head with that stuff. Everything you've learned is wrong.


For me, apparently.

So, this testosterone, do you mind to say just a little bit more about what you just said about that?


Well, certain people create a lot of hormones for physical activity, and you can tell by that by the activity rings.

Most iridologists call them stress rings. They're only stress rings if people don't exercise, don't utilize those hormones for physical activity. If you don't utilize them, spend them in physical activity, you will spend them in anxiety. That causes ticks, nervousness, anxiety of all sorts.

And I can't tell without photographing your eyes, see how many activity rings you have, but I can tell by your skin, you have high activity hormones in your skin, means your whole life. And everybody who has 'em, there's no change in their life, if they've been debilitated, you don't get the joy of utilizing your physical hormones for physical expression.

You're utilizing it on your bad health, because hormones are 60% - 80% fat. The body will use 'em for chelating with poisons if you don't eat enough fat.


And I haven't eaten any fat since 1995 basically.


Well that's cause you didn't have raw butter than honey unheated.


I had each of those things, but I had never tried them together.

So, what about cheese? I think I can't possibly eat cheese.


Absolutely. Cheese and honey. Stabilize your nerves.

[Attendee #2]

You get unsalted raw cheese.


Yeah. Has to be unsalted raw cheese.


I got your PDF about where you can get that. Probably Whole Foods,?


No, no, no. Just have to mail away for it. I think Organic pastures makes a no salt raw cheese.

[Attendee #2]

No, only hardly anymore. Most of the ones that I've seen the last couple of years is all slightly salted.


They're not ordering it. You have to ask them to order it.

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