Holistic Dentists






Do you have a dentist you can recommend?


I use one in Mexico.


Somebody local?


I don't go to dentists in America because they won't do what I want.

I certainly wouldn't do it as thin as you are, I'd gain 10 pounds before I'd have something like that done, and then you can lose it a couple of weeks after, maybe three, four weeks after.


There's a dentist that's connected with Weston price.


There are lots of dentists, Western Price has a list. You pay $6 or $7 for, maybe $10 now, and they get like a whole page of all these holistic dentists throughout the United States.


You don't think they are?


Holistic dentists will still put the same Novocain and Xylocaine and do x-rays and do the same thing. They're just not putting the mercury in your mouth, but they do everything else the same.

When I go to Mexico, there's no anything other than what I want done.


My dentist, I put him off from x-rays, January when I go, he won't see me anymore because I won't wanna do x-rays.


Yeah. That's what I mean, this country's so-


So even the holistic dentists will say the same thing?


Yeah, they'll say the same thing.

I don't want them to find out. If I've got problem they can see, that's what I want them to take care of, if I have a problem with it.


So, who's your guy in Mexico?


Thomas Britton in Tijuana.


Would you recommend Dr. Shekar on Beverly Hills?


I don't know Shekar, but I I've met him, but he's into the same stuff.


Because he has a gem that goes on, not x-ray.


This man will put a $2000 gem and implant it in the tooth because he thinks it improves life.


He has something up on the ceiling.


Yeah and he has all kinds of gadgets. I think he came from a different planet.


Yeah, he believes in that.


It's like the healing crystals.


I've never seen any one of those clients any healthier than anybody else.

I don't have much credence to it.

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