High Meat Causes Detox


high meat




I don't suggest somebody go out and eat half a pound of high meat if they haven't been on the raw diet for very long. That can cause a massive detox because what is that bacteria going to do? They're going to go and start eating up all your dead cells and if you have that much waste product dumping at one time it's going to take your full body's energy and you're going to have diarrhea, you're gonna have vomiting. 

So, you want to be rational about what detoxifications you promote, and that's what I'm going into in the next book. 


I've been talking to somebody; she ate 200 pounds of the high meat. She still been fighting sickness, sick vomiting, and pains in her head. 


200 hundred pounds or 2 pounds? 


200 pounds. 


200 pounds of high meat? That'll 200 days. 




I mean, she was raising animals. I don't know if it was 200 pounds. I have to make sure. 


I'm not sure I believe that story,  


But I mean, she's still since 1993 in pain and going through vomiting and diarrhea since 1993. 


She ate that much in a short period of time? 


She was raising her own? 


Was she eating it raw? 


Yeah, raw. 


Since 1993? I'd have to question that. 

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