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medical industry
I think my doctor's concerned about a elevated homocystine level.
That's some more drug selling. Homocysteines are created to take care of toxins, so it shows that you have a high toxic level. Whenever you have an allergy to something, something can harm something in the body, your body will build homocysteines to resist and handle it.
That's a good thing. It's like bacteria's a janitor, that's a kind of a janitor. So, it shows, yes, you have toxins in your body that are moving and your body's building a lot of homocystine to deal with that so you don't get sick, and so you remove it properly. It is a sign that you've got a problem, but not a problem to lower it, and that's what they do.
Just remember the doctors don't make money if you're well.
So, ignore it?
Ignore it. Completely ignore it. After chemotherapy, my homocystine level was off the chart. My nutritionist said, "Ignore it". It's your body working against as an allergy to something in the body and it is not the raw food. It is something already in the body that's toxic.
[Attendee #2]
What is homocystine?
Homocystine is a hormonal protein substance that helps bind with certain kinds of toxins.
[Attendee #2]
I read an article about people or men who have a irregular heartbeat and stuff like that should have homocysteine tests, but I don't know if it should be high or low.
Well, they're looking for a low homocysteine. If you have a high homocysteine, it shows you have a lot of toxins moving through the body at a particular time, and that can cause the heartbeat to increase and be irregular. That does not mean the homocystine is causing it. No, the toxins causing it.
The homocystine will keep you from having a heart attack. It's not. You take the homocystine out and you're gonna have a heart attack if that toxin is free to move on its own, and it imbeds in the heart, you end up with a charley horse.
[Attendee #2]
You have to find out how to regulate that?
No, you just leave your body alone and eat properly. Your body will always seek a proper level if you're eating properly. Unless, let's say you drank half a cup of arsenic, all the homocysteine in the world isn't gonna prevent it.
You remember that guy back in the late 1800s that put out that he's gonna drink a half a cup of arsenic and he publicized it 6 - 12 months ahead of time all over the world.
So, they had reporters from London everywhere, Paris, Brussels, everywhere in the world. They went to see this guy and he said, "I am not going to choose the poison, let a university doctor bring the arsenic, half a cup of arsenic and I will drink it in front of everybody and I'll show you that I live".
So, he got people all the way, he made a fortune off of it and he drank a half a cup of arsenic, and until he died in the 1930s, he did not tell anybody how he did it. Now, in his deathbed, he said, "I drank a half a cup of clay an hour before". And if the arsenic went in, the clay absorbed it just like that.
So, you have a high histamine, eat some clay, let the clay help you. So, the, your body doesn't have to make the homocysteines so much.
[Attendee #3]
So, what do you think of those basic tests that they tell you, like Dr. Oz and everybody on TV says, go ahead like c-reactive protein as, as far as inflammation in the body.
What are they selling?
[Attendee #3]
I don't know what he's selling.
They're selling something, that's what it's all about.
[Attendee #3]
He's a md so I mean, and he's one of the good ones. You know what I, what I'm saying?
No, he thinks he's a good guy.
I saw Dr. Oz pushing the flu vaccine.
[Attendee #3]
I know, he's not all there.
[Attendee #2]
To me, they don't know better.
Oh, they know. When you've been a doctor for 10 years.
[Attendee #3]
He's a cardiologist.
Doesn't make any difference, when you see people getting worse instead of better every time you treat them, that's a bad sign. That's why now they don't make you swear in the Bible or anything when they take the Hippocratic oath. You just stand there and take it, no raising of your hand or anything. You just repeat it. You have to say it aloud, there's no swearing.
I mentioned that to a doctor and he said, "Well, I didn't swear on it. If I swore on that, I couldn't use any medication, any medicine". So, they know what they're doing. If they're 10 years into the business, they know what they're doing and that includes once they get out of their internship in a hospital, they pretty much know that they're the bad guys.
[Attendee #2]
And that's why people like Dr. [unclear] go away from them.
But they still carry all that fear and training with them, they don't get out of it. They've gotta do something to help the body and they don't know there ass from a hole in the ground.
[Attendee #2]
[Unclear], is he a doctor?
Yeah, hes an md.
[Attendee #2]
He's kind of more away from the...
He's still into antibiotics, but he's more into prayer, not doing something about it. More favorable. He's into mind over matter.