Herbivores, Vegetarians, Vegetable Oils



heart disease


fat deficiency

lubrication formula

dry skin



Versus eating a lot of salads.


You can't digest it. Herbivore has 2.5 times more digestive tract than we do, they have 60,000 more digestive enzymes for breaking down the cellulose molecule to get the fat and protein, takes 48 hours or more for food to pass through their systems with 60% - 80% of it digested, not even all of it digested.

2% in ours, that's it. 2% in 24 hours. It over alkalizes the intestines and neutralizes all of that hydrochloric acid that you have in the stomach and the small intestines to break down your food particles to smaller amounts so bacteria can eat them. Our bacteria is the acidic nature. The fluids, the alkaline fluids from whole vegetables will neutralize those, so you stop digesting.

I'm saying don't eat whole vegetables. I'm saying drink the vegetable juice cuz you can get all the minerals, vitamins, and the enzymes from the vegetation, that we can handle. That's the 2%.


In nature you wouldn't have a juicer.


Well, do like the dogs, cats, and the gorillas. They chew it and spit out the fiber. They're juicing in their mouth.

[Attendee #2]

Is that what you do in Thailand or do you get juice in Thailand?


I can get juice in Thailand.

[Attendee #3]

And for the salad, I think you said don't have it with oil or vinegar or something?


Because it coats it. It comes and I said if you're going to eat vegetation, you eat a salad and you eat it last thing in the day.

[Attendee #3]

But you don't put any olive oil on it?


You can make a cheese sauce, something like that.

[Attendee #3]

Right. But why don't you want oil on it or vinegar?


It coats the vegetation.

[Attendee #3]

What if you just have vinegar on it? Is that okay?


It's okay. You'll start fermenting it. It'll digest a little bit better with that.


It won't feel good on your stomach if you put oil on it?


Well, it depends upon the person, some people can handle it. Italians and Greeks are used to it. But that's centuries.

You can't digest that cellulose.

[Attendee #3]

But you say you eat cooked food, you have to have the raw salad?


Let's say you eat cooked meat, you better have a raw salad with it, or else it's not gonna move, it'll putrefy.

Do you have a question?


I have trouble running. I couldn't get my body moving and I'm just trying to start. I'm sleeping a lot.


Okay, I can see your skin. You don't have any good animal fats in your body. You have a lot of grain, acetates that are made from grains?


I've been doing 20 years of vegetarian diet.


There you go.


How much can I jump in to this?


People jump into it wholeheartedly.

Just remember this, 50% of my cancer clients are long-term vegetarians and vegetable oils cause all the hardening of the arteries in the heart because they crystallize, we can't digest them.


So, it's not like arthritis and stuff?


Well, you don't have any lubrication in your body, good fats. You don't have any good animal fats in your body.

Butter, cream.


Is the honey really essential?


No, it isn't essential. Sure gonna help you digest, but it isn't essential. For some people it is.

So, I suggest you go into the Recipe Book and on page 146 and make the moisturizing formula. Make a good moisturizing formula and sip that throughout the day.

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