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hot baths
bath temperature
hot water bottles
What would you recommend for somebody- because you remember Dave, right? Dave, who had the consult with you when I did it?
He's extremely sensitive to heat. Like his wife takes a bath, he can't put his hand in there.
So, how would you kind of get him up from not being able to take heat?
Put hot water bottles under the covers?
Yeah. Okay. He's doing that actually.
And as far as, would you recommend him doing like 98° or building it up to 105° or what?
It won't do much much good. Better use the hot water bottles and heats the bed up at night.
And if someone did start doing the baths, could they start at 102° and do some good?
Yeah, absolutely.
102 is okay? But 102° would be absolute rock bottom minimum?
It's not gonna do anything at all under 102°.