Hearing Loss - Hot Water Bottles


hearing loss

hot water bottles





Hearing loss.




Hearing loss.




Hearing loss. My father got mad at me. I was autistic, so I didn't know what the hell anything was being said anyway. And he says, I told you to listen to me, he popped both of my eardrums. So, I lost 60% hearing in one and 40% in the other and now I've got 80% in one and 80% in the other.

So, it does regenerate, but I've never found anything that regenerated it fast, unless you use a hot water bottle near your ear. Cuz the passages into that network are very finite, so there's not much circulation in there. The only way you can force more nutrients to heal the eardrum in that area is to put a hot water bottle near that area, and then put a towel over your head and over that ear to generate heat for several hours a night into that area.

And that will speed as long as you're on a good diet, that will speed it.

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