Grass is Acidic, Only 5 Percent of Certain Herbs



vegetable juice






You've previously said grasses are acidic, once you told me if I want any.


They're acidic to the blood, they're alkanizing in the intestines. The exact opposite of what you want.


But you said if I wanted to take some wild groom grass, that's not wheat grass.

Especially for the mineral content and salt content for that, I could put a couple ounces into the milk. Besides those grasses, is there a reason you don't use kale or dandelion, spinach in your juices?


Well, I said you can use those, but never more than 5% of the juice because they will be very detoxifying or chemically changing to the body.

So, any kind of a herb that is that strong. You need to keep it at a low ratio, no more than 5%.


What do you mean chemical changing? What does it change?


It can change your blood, it can change your intestines, it can change the chemistry of everything. All of a sudden you find yourself way outta whack.


Get kidney stones or?


Get all kinds, I've seen all kinds of issues, endless issues.


So, when should you use those?


Anytime you want to use it. It doesn't matter, as long as it's never more than 5% of your juice.

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