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cows milk
goats milk
Goats milk vs cow's milk. You have some authorities-
Okay, let me go through it. Goat's milk is high in hormones, especially adrenaline. So, people who are thin and hyperactive should not be drinking goat's milk. They should be drinking cow's milk, settle their nervous system. Those people who are overweight could use the adrenaline.
So, goat's milk is fine for them, people in-between. If you feel hyperactive, anxious, irritable, don't drink goat's milk cows, drink cow's milk.
Does this apply to goats' cream too?
Goats' cream still contains a lot of precursors for developing adrenal hormone. Goats cream is not going to relax your system, cows' cream is.
Stay away from goats' milk?
If you're anxious and irritable, then just stick with cows.