Gerson Raw Liver, Heart, Plaque Test, Blood Sugar, Etc






vegetable juice





Somebody, what was his name? Put it out there. Walker and Gerson was into your raw liver. That was the main thing, raw liver. You can't get alkaline with raw liver. Raw liver is 90% protein, very little fat in the liver. It's like the heart. Those two organs, the heart and the liver are basically your major protein bodies in the system and they're highly acidic, so Gerson, when he was around, 60% of his diet was raw liver.

Now that his daughter's taking it over, she's removed the liver, and these people are dying just like every other vegetarian regime.


So, it's a consequence of being too acidic that your body will want to buffer that system.

I mean, if you're too alkaline, your body's gonna wanna make it as acidic. Does that mean it's gonna be dumping positive ions into the blood, like the minerals from your bones?


Oh yeah, it's going to take it from everywhere it can.


Like contributing to osteoporosis then by being too alkaline?


Absolutely. Yeah, it definitely will. That's why so many vegetarian and Fruitarians have bone degeneration.

[Attendee #2]

But doesn't the body leach calcium from the bones to alkalize the blood?



[Attendee #2]

Isn't the the calcium leached from the bones to alkalize the blood?


No, it's to bind with toxins. It's to neutralize, let's say you have something cooked and in it you've got acidic compounds, which are free radical: mercury, lead, cadmium. Any of those toxic metals, the body will use the calcium to neutralize those because they're free radical acid minerals, not because they're in proper ionic bond and proportion like in a raw diet, very different.


Calcium is an alkaline mineral, correct?


Calcium, phosphorus, potassium, and magnesium are the ones that we mainly use to neutralize free radical acids.

[Attendee #2]

They need an acidic environment to be properly used?


No. If you didn't have calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, and potassium, we wouldn't be alive. But our ratio needs to be right around 5.5 - 5.7. Not 7, not 6.7. That's an herbivore, become a cow next life if you want that.

[Attendee #3]

When I have a cold, I've been told to have a glass of eight ounces of water and put half a teaspoon of baking soda in there to alkaline, instead of keeping it acid. But baking soda is an acid. How can it alkaline your body?


You got me *laughs*. You got me.

[Attendee #3]

Is that a good thing?


Nope. Baking soda's a very nasty thing. It acts like ascorbic, it will leach fats out of the blood. So yeah, you'll reduce your symptoms, but you won't get well.

[Attendee #3]

What about apple cider vinegar?


Apple cider vinegar is very helpful. A lot of the amino acids that you use in chelation therapy are in the apple cider vinegar.

So, if you want a chelation therapy, take a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar a day.

So, the body will leach calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, and potassium out of your bones to help neutralize over acidity from cooked foods or poison, but not from raw foods. You'll never have over acidity from it when you've been on long enough and healthy.

Right now I'm down to- when I do it one juice a day. I haven't had a juice for three weeks. I don't have to worry about that over acidity anymore very often.

When I get into the tropics, I do more because I perspire more, so I will drink more vegetable juice when I'm in the tropics.


Who would one on a cooked diet rather be acidic?


Depends. If they're a vegetarian, they're going to be highly alkaline and toxic.


But on a cooked diet, would one be acidic or alkaline?


Sad American diet? Standard American diet? A sad diet. They're gonna be overly acidic if they don't.


Right. So are they better off being slightly alkaline?


Well, if they're eating enough alkaline foods to promote, they'll never be alkaline without pouring vegetable and fruit juices into yourself. That's why these clinics have you drinking like a gallon and a half, two gallons of vegetable and fruit juices daily cuz you cannot get alkaline. The body will resist it and finally when you do, it's broken down and exhausted.


How do you check to see what your PH is? How do you know?


Well, I know because I used one of those strips and also I had medical doctors once in a while, like at St.Louis, uh, in St. Louis, Washington University Medical Center did a rundown on people who were raw fooders and I was one of the test subjects and I was the healthiest one that they'd known, but I was only one of three people who were not vegetarian raw fooders. So, I outperformed in all of them every everywhere.

And this was a famous cardiac doctor for athletes. You're talking about big time athletes who make professional basketball teams, football teams and stuff like that. He's the doctor formost of those big, full-time stars when it comes to cardiac therapy and analysis and on one of the floors of the hospital, they have a tracj and all kinds of workout equipment, pumping the iron. And they took me, they did all the blood tests with me cuz I told 'em I was eating at least a stick of butter a day and lots of meat. Oh, cholesterol galore and this is a heart doctor.

So, he said, "I'll pay your way here. I'll pay everything,come". So, I went there on my way to St. Louis to do a workshop in St. Louis for Jeff and people there in St. Louis. So, I spent a day there through the tests. They only found a little bit of blockage here, a little bit of caking in this artery, but that was since I was a little kid.

Since I found it was still there, started using vinegar to help break it down, so it's probably broken down by now because this was like 6 years ago since I did that test. And after all the tests, the doctor was so amazed at my condition and the blood results, everything.

I mean, they gave me a glucose tolerance, that's the first time I had sugar since 1974. So, I was like this, gave me high blood pressure, everything. But still, the test results came out phenomenal. So he said, can we do some more tests on you? Sign these waivers. So, it was just athletic stuff. So, he took me, I ran around the track about seven times, just about a quarter of a mile without stopping, without resting.

And my heartbeat was normal within 90 seconds. He said he'd never seen that before and then they put me on pumping iron and I said, "I don't exercise, I haven't exercised since 1979". So he said, "Okay, we'll take it easy on you". Then he took it too easy. Start off 20 pounds, weight, 20 pounds each time going up.

And then when he got up to high, there was 10 pounds increase on time. I said, "Would you come on with this? I'm gonna be Arnold Schwartzenegger just on the end of this day". So we got up to, I got 240 pounds with the leg presses and when he saw me even slightly strained, he stopped me. He didn't want me to have a heart attack.

So, 240 pounds there. Got up to 195 before I started straining on the bench press. Stop me right there and I could have done it, probably gone up to about 210-230, but he stopped and he said, "I've never seen anything like this before. We have people who work out here three days a week and they can't do what you do".


I wonder what he did with that information.


He's probably doing what the Austrians do, like Arnold Schwartz, raw eggs, raw milk, raw meats. It's probably what he's doing with it.

No, he's not gonna be out there against anybody, but he's gonna have his secrets with his athletes and he'll make more money out of it. It's usually their intention.

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