Gas From Salads






vegetable juice



And then when I go up to these people, I've been having salads.


No wonder you have gas.

Just remember if you eat salads, salads alkalinize the intestinal tract. The intestinal tract has to be acid to digest all the animal product. You're gonna have lots of gas.

If you eat a salad, it better be the last food of the day, so no meat catches up to it during the night because you will have gas. That's why I suggest vegetable juice, not vegetables. You need to alkalinize the blood, not the intestines. And if we were well, we wouldn't even need vegetable juice. We wouldn't need that mineral supplement, all the alkalinity, and all the vitamin and enzyme supplements.

All the other tribes that eat raw foods don't need that. They just eat the meat and dairy and the blood, simple. They don't ever eat vegetables. Well, I shouldn't say ever, once or twice a year.

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