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food preparation
A group of animals and divided them into two. I gave them frozen meat, the same carcass, the same animal, the same side of beef, and I gave half of them unfrozen, the other frozen.
All the ones that had the frozen meat all got a skin disorder within six weeks. One of 'em had it so bad it looked like he had the mange, and this was both cats and dogs.
Every one of 'em had a skin disorder. Those that ate the unfrozen, same mea, unfrozen; calm relaxed, no itching, happy, not a problem. And that's it. I didn't even feed them water in that time. All they got for that whole time was just the meat. The ones that got the frozen meat dehydrated; they had all these skin problems.
And then I decided, well, I can test the butter now. So, the ones with all the ill conditions, skin conditions. I knew the butter would reverse that, raw butter would reverse any kind of skin condition because it would get in there and handle the poisons that were passing through the skin and protect the cells that were there, not get dried out.
So, I took the same batch of butter and I froze half of it and didn't freeze the other half, and just refrigerated one. Now before I served it to them, of course I would always let that out for about 12 hours to get room temperature cuz dogs and cats don't like cold things. They just don't like it.
So, I put it out for them, they ate it and the ones who got the unfrozen butter healed five times quicker than the ones that got the frozen butter.
So, the frozen butter is five times less potent than non-frozen butter.
So happy medium, wouldn't you say get the colostrum if you can't get the raw butte?
Raw colostrum would be very helpful, yes.
Or you can just get the cream and make your own butter, I tell you how to do that in the recipe book. Make your own butter, it's easy the way I suggested in the book.
When you can make it that simply, it isn't easy.