Forced Vaccines and Homeschooling





medical industry




About a private subject that you went on earlier, you said something about hepatitis. He going to a private school, and they want them to have their polio shots, their hepatitis shots, all these shots, now since it's a private school, they're kind of like a club. 

They don't have to accept you. I want 'em to have a good education. Can I go to them with like zero assembly bill. Is there's something I can go say, "Hey, listen, I don't have to". 


You've got an escape clause if it's your religion. Seventh Day Adventists have a form that says, it's against my religion. 

I do not believe this.  


He's going to a private Christian school though.  




You can say you think it's against God's law to do that, 


I did speak to his current school about that, a preschool, and they're saying that they could accept us or they could decline for another reason and they don't even have to say that. 

I've been to all the other schools and for education purposes... 

[Attendee #2] 

Have you gone to Highland Paul up in Northridge?  


I'm gonna try it.  


But then you have to have a doctor support that. 


Well, he's got, he's got medical proof since he has asthma and all that.  


Then you could say he's highly allergic to. 


With smoothies he hasn't had his problem anymore.  

[Attendee #3] 

Yeah. We took him off of the nebulizer, and all those things. 


If he gets sick now, right now he's not on the total raw diet, just cause it's been hard transitioning him into getting into anything like that right now, since we're so new at it too. 

So, if he gets ill and where he's gonna have a lot of complex carbohydrates, a lot of, a lot of that bad stuff or certain bacteria to feed on how would treat it.  


You just feed him lots of smoothies, just keep it up to keep and then give him some raw chicken. So he'll, he'll go properly through it. 

[Attendee #3] 

So, we're saying if a child that's on all these carbs in them or something gets E.coli or something. It would be hard to treat that child naturally though, wouldn't it? What was it that you were saying? That the carbs would block? 


If children only live on carbs, like in third world countries. 

[Attendee #3] 

Oh, I see. 


You can get lupus.  


You can get all kinds of things. It can go any which way. 

[Attendee #3] 

But still treating him naturally would be the way to go.  



[Attendee #3] 

Which is what we're doing now anyway.  


Treating only doctors can do, only doctors in the state of California can treat anybody. 

So, you don't treat your son, you nurtured your son, okay. Because you saying that in public, the state of California medical division of the government can come after you for practicing medicine without a license. So, remember that you don't treat yourselves, you don't treat anybody. You nurtured yourselves. 

[Attendee #3] 

Don't we have the right to medicate ourselves.  


No, you do not.  

[Attendee #2] 

Not unless you're sovereign. 


*Laughs*, but then you still have to fight the law and they can put you in jail and you have to prove that you're sovereign. 

[Attendee #2] 

Like the recent email that you sent me about those people in Texas, they had a kid and they were trying to refuse some kind of radiation... 


They wanted to refuse all those treatments. 


And you can't.  


No, the state went and got a judge to take the child away from the parents to treat him. 

But that happens all the time. I witness that with one of my clients, she had twins and these two boys we're on this diet and they were so healthy. They never had a cold; they were a year and a half old and somehow the state got involved. That's a whole story. 

The state got involved, came and took the children away. The judge had had polio. So, he was brainwashed that it was because he didn't get the vaccines in time, and he had already had three. Why didn't he get him in time? So, he was prejudiced against this woman, having these two children and not getting vaccinations. 

So, he ruled that these children had to get vaccinations. They were sick, sick, sick. I watched one twin die 10 days after getting injections. Some when you're that inundated, they were giving these children seven vaccines within a two-week period. The normal is three, but they wanted to get 'em into the children before the mother got the custody back. 

[Attendee #3] 

And one of 'em died? 


Not one of this one, another family, but these children were sick for weeks. Well months. 

[Attendee #2] 

There's an accredited school called Highland Hall up in Northridge. They will not require that they're very homeopathic and health and artistic. 


Well, there's also a man who out of New York city was a teacher, an accredited teacher for 27 years in New York. 

One of the most accredited teachers have come out of an institution in all of time. He wrote a book that said if you want your children to learn, don't send them to school, homeschool them. It only takes a hundred hours to teach the normal child reading, writing, and arithmetic. The only thing the child's gonna learn in normal school is how to be emotionally dependent, how to be drug dependent, how to be every dependent except, the one dependent you want is love. 

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