Flip Flops and Synthetic Clothing




flip flops









Rubber flip flops? Not necessarily, are they truly rubber? Come from a rubber tree? Are they truly rubber or are we talking about nylon plastic? 


If they're nylon or plastic they're toxic? 


Toxic. They've got BPAs in them. BPAs are polymers. They're used to harden plastic. Tests came out 9 months ago showed that 82% of animals subjected to polymer gas, that leached from plastic, nylon clothes or anything, 82% of them got a brain tumor.  

Guess what? They're allowed to use the BPA for another 5 years because ot the finances. Industry will go under and lose tremendous amounts of money if they can't put out this product. So, they have 5 years to find an alternative. Wow, babies get brain tumors and we'll all just get brain tumors, and other cancers because of these plastics.  

If you're gonna wear clothes, wear no nylon, no rayon, nothing, but silk, wool or cotton, period. Or linen. Those four, that is it. Everything else is cancer inducing, can you imagine? The fibers are just like [unclear], they flake, they dust. You look at the lint in your dryer, it's the same with natural as with any synthetic fibers. That gets into your lungs, that's plastic in your lungs. What do you have to do to break down plastic, it has to break down into a polymer. Everybody's breathing these and we've only had 20 years of it and each year there's less and less natural cloth available. So, you can imagine in the next 20 years, the amount of brain tumors children are going to have. Because that's all they've have is synthetic clothing. Plastic, constantly breathing plastic.  

[Attendee #2] 

So, only cotton? 


Cotton, wool, silk, linen, and hemp. But I consider hemp a linen. 


What's the shoes then, leather? 


Leather or rubber. 


But only leather or rubber? 


Or you could have [unclear] or something like that. 


What about tennis shoes, you're wearing socks? 


Well, the plastic is still gonna gas. Whether you've got socks on or not, you're gonna have the gas infiltrate your foot. 

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