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food preparation
protein deficiency
weight gain
It depends upon the person. If I eat a lot of fish, I have to eat a tremendous amount. I'm so hungry, just digests so quickly. And for some people it isn't.
Yeah, I get hungry quicker on fish for sure too.
[Attendee #2]
Why so?
You digest it quicker and easier.
[Attendee #3]
What if I eat agood amount of meat, sometimes I get really hungry just after it, like just after 15 minutes later as if I need more and more and more. But if I don't eat, three hours later I won't be hungry at all for the same.
Because your body's eating your red blood cells.
[Attendee #2]
What does that mean?
Body's eating your red blood cells, not enough proteins, so the body starts eating red blood cells, himself.
Once you start eating your own blood cells, you become too acidic. Meats repulsive.
What's calling him to eat his own blood cells.
Protein Deficiency.
Okay. That was protein deficiency. Can you say that again?
When you have a protein deficiency, your body starts eating its own red blood cells for protein.
Why would I have a protein deficiency if I just had a meal?
You may already be protein deficient.
If you're very protein deficient, which I can see you are because your body wants a lot more mass on there. The more muscle, the more fat you can store. Right now, you don't have enough muscle. . All right, so when your body gets to meat, it says, oh, I like this. Let's have more. But you still have a digestive problem, so you've got a problem there, so you have to work that out.
You work that out by having a little honey and a little pineapple to help digestion, okay? Of the meats. Once you don't eat anything, then your blood protein level drops to a point where the body says, I have to eat my own red blood. That causes a tremendous amount of overacidity and then that causes you to lose your appetite, cause of anorexia.
So, if you grind your meat all the way, you're not likely to get hungry, if you grind it into a paté. If it's just normally ground, it's likely to be homogenized and it's not going to digest well and you're still gonna be hungry.
It's not going to digest well because it's been grounded?
When it's grounded to a very fine paste, your body doesn't have to use any digestive acids, only bacteria is needed to infiltrate.
Is that good?
Bacteria is 90% of digestion.
Okay, but how do you make it like a fine paste?
Well, what I do is I take the steak and I'll cut it into cubes about 1" x 1", put it in my food processor, only fill my food processor halfway and then grind that in there until it's a paté.
And I'll make enough for 2 - 3 days sometime. Stuff it in a two cup jar.
[Attendee #2]
Does it stay okay that way? Better than leaving it whole?
About the same.
[Attendee #2]
It's a lot of work because I do it every day.
Yeah. I do it every 2 - 3 days.
[Attendee #2]
I don't have to wash the food processer so much.
It doesn't take much time to clean the food processor. You figure we're getting pretty lazy when we've gone from hours of cooking and cooking and scrubbing pots to just a few minutes of cleaning your food processor. This is the height of laziness.
[Attendee #2]
Almost an hour each day washing canning jars.
Well, that's a day's worth of canning jars usually takes me a an hour by the time I do every, well not quite an hour. Maybe about 30 minutes.
To clean how many?
[Attendee #2]
Usually about 18 - 20, along with forks and tops every day and the food processor, and then the, the jars that you store your food in, you keep emptying them out so that they're part of the jars.
I clean as soon as I finish to get it outta the way.
[Attendee #2]
No, I can't do that cuz I'm eating this stuff on the road often, but also working.
I collect them, then I wash them once a day and use your special formula of coconut cream and apple cider vinegar and salt, it cleans much better. And then that way I don't have to get hot water every, every time I need to do one jar, I get the hot water all at once.
It just makes a lot of sense, use a lot less water.