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fermented coconut
coconut oil
coconut cream
Coconut cream. Would you leave that in the fridge for six months?
No. It only takes 19 hours of room temperature for oil to separate from coconut. It's that quick, 19 hours.
From coconut cream?
From coconut cream, yeah. And that's the process in the Philippines and Thailand where we get ours. We're just getting Thailand right now from some friends of mine that make it.
And it's a 19 hour process and I've sat there and watched them do it. And it's a delicate process and you have to have certain kinds- you've got these glass bats that are made and they go up and funnel like this. And then they've got a glass decanter on it that allows- cause the oil goes to the bottom. So, they have to drain the oil off of the bottom and then they have to do it again to make sure it's completely pure, so it doesn't start fermenting in any way, more fermentation cuz then if it goes into the jar and ferments, it's illegal in this country. FDA says there can be no gaseous fermentation growing in a product, so they usually cook the hell out of everything, so nothing's alive and nothing's growing.
But you can make that yourself in the fridge?
Just put it in the fridge.
No. Is it coconut oil?
[They mean coconut cream, not coconut oil]
Coconut oil you don't put in the fridge. It'll never separate.
Oh, just leave it out.
To get coconut oil out of coconut cream, it has to be room temperature. Coconut cream in the refrigerator never separates or rarely separates and when it does it gets very slimy.
Is it okay to eat both the oil and the cream?
Oil again just has the oil soluble vitamins. And most of these vitamins are in the other part, the water soluble vitamins and enzymes. That's why I like coconut cream. I don't like coconut oil, unless it's for a medicinal process.
You eat the whole coconut cream.
All of it?
That's what I'm saying, yeah. You're eating the coconut cream. That's what I do. I don't have coconut oil, unless there's a problem. If people want to detox some old oils in their body and old toxins, then eat coconut oil. Maybe a tablespoon a day, or a tablespoon of olive oil a day or flax oil, but only as medicine.