






Well, wipe that off of your eyes. If you take your little eye thing, you know your eye curler, eyelash curler with egg white on it. It makes them very dark and thick. So, there's a beauty kit for you.  

When I used to do acting that's what I did to make my eyelashes thick, take a little paintbrush with egg white and brushed it on my eyelashes and went like this, that was all I did. Because I didn't want them to put, cause you'd go on the set, like soaps to make everybody's look pretty and I was in the general hospital for five and a half years. We put mascara on, no way. 


Is it okay for eyeliner... 


What I suggest people do is take blueberry or some berry, press it and just take a paint brush and paint it on, it will stain. 

Just put a touch of vinegar in it and it will set like an Easter egg. Put it on your lips 

Well, when I was on stage, that's what I would do. It works very well. 

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