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Endometriosis is the utilization of cells that don't normally belong in one place in another. It happens in everybody because, um, we don't have enough protein in the diet in the form that can be utilized. So, everybody has endometriosis, it's only used Endometriosis relating with ovarian cells.
So, if you have ovarian cells that are utilized somewhere else in the body, that's the general medical term.
When the woman has her period and she goes into cramps, those cells that are ovarian cells that are not in the ovary will go into the cramping also, and that causes severe pain outside of the ovarian area depending upon where.
I knew one woman that had ovary cells in her brain. Every time she went into her period, she had a spot in her brain that gave her cramping.
Another woman who had it in her elbow, she was a tennis player. She was such an avid player that her body was very low on protein and nutrients and started borrowing cells from other areas of her body and putting it in her left elbow.
So, then when she had her period, her elbow had a period. So, endometriosis isn't only related to ovarian, but that's where it's used most commonly because people can identify.
They can't tell if you've got an elbow cell in your uterus. No way to tell. They can tell if the area goes into aa spasm on a regular cycle with your menstrual cycle, you have ovarian cells in that area.
Your body will borrow cells from any kind of an area and utilize them anywhere in the system. To reverse it, you just have to eat enough meat to replace cells that are localized, eat enough raw meat. So you reproduce cells, so cells will divide, not just regenerate. That's why meat is so necessary. Eggs won't do it. Eggs will help those cells that are already alive become healthier, but if you want to help cells increase.
If you wanna help cellular division speed and increase, you have to eat meats.