Emfs In Car and Emf Pillow






Now what I did for my Prius and any car, they all have a very high electromagnetic field.

I took inch round magnets and made them in three centrifugal circles and I spaced them an inch apart all the way around, positive, north, south, north, south, north, south, all the way around.

So, what it does is it repels, so it doesn't allow any frequency to stay steady and I have that between two down pillows and I sit on that in my car when I used to drive down here, when I first got the prius, that's a hybrid car with electric and gas. My legs used to ache, I mean ache, especially back here with this foot on the pedal and the highest amount of electromagnetic field is at that gas pedal, like it can get up to 75 - 80 milligals, back away it's 8 - 13 depending upon if it's running on electric or gas. So, I made this pillow, now I never have a problem.

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