Eggs and Milk For Respiratory Problems




weight loss





What's your symptoms?


Lungs, lots of phlegm, coughing, weakness the body, loss of air and hard to breathe.


Yeah, but you could be just detoxing through the lungs.


He's diagnosed with it. He's on a prednisone.


It'd be too hard for me to diagnose something like that without seeing the person, seeing the condition, I'd be guessing.

Anytime anybody has any respiratory problems, the things that they can do before they come and see me is suck eggs, 25 to 30 eggs a day, just suck eggs all day long. Best way. Remember, in eggs the protein and fats are all liquid. Very little digestion, less digestion than with milk. Milk is twice as complicated to digest as a milk.

The only problem is when you eat eggs alone like that, it causes weight loss. So, you have to have some milk at night before you go to bed and milk during the middle of the night, just to keep the weight on.

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