Eggs Alone



weight loss

weight gain





If you only eat eggs, if you eat milkshakes, no. But if you eat only eggs, you're gonna get very [unclear] and then you might get a little irritable when you're only doing eggs. You're also gonna feel very dehydrated. So, you need to keep a little bit of butter in your mouth, throw honey/butter on your lips, or just honey.


So, just to finish my question. Is it better not to force a down diet and just let your body do it?


It's always better to let your body do it.


Is it better to stay on the dairy all the time, and then all of a sudden it'll lose weight or you just choose to stop doing the dairy?


Your body will stop you from eating for a while and detox heavily.


You just feel not hungry and not having dairy?


When you start getting nauseous and your body's says, "Wait a minute". Every time you put anything into it, you'll vomit. That's when the body is saying, "We're gonna do something differently here".


So, no forced down diet.


Don't need to. do that one.


Why did you used to do that down diet?


Like I said, that was for people who were paranoid that they'd never lose the weight. So, if they did it for a year on and off, they could say, "Oh, I can lose that weight". And then they aren't as particular about it.

"Oh, I can lose that weight later. Oh, I can use that". And that's what I like, them to postpone it, let their bodies do it. You know, people are very lazy when it comes toanything that takes stress and work. If the body wants that fat, you're not gonna get rid of it easily. Yeah. About that hole. Yeah.

It's not gonna let you. You have to work out, you have to limit what you eat. In the book and the recipe book, I have a weight loss program. So, they're eating frequently, but small amounts, and that's the only way you can get the body to agree to it.


I'm getting it right here.


And that's where you need it.




Where do a lot of the toxins go?


So, what makes you hold fat? Regular nutrition says, "Oh, insulin back, and all this stuff".


That's all their bullshit to get you to take supplements.


Right, so what actually signals your body to hold the fat?


Your body is holding fats everywhere in the body because you have toxins in all the tissues, all the cells, the body wants to draw those poisons out. Or if they're moving out on their own, you'll have the fat there to arrest it right away. Won't do any damage.


It's holding from the fat or calories. Is it actually from fat you're eating or is it from calories?


If you're not eating butter with your meat, your body will make fats from the protein, but if you're eating fats with your meat, it's not gonna use the meat that way. And if you're eating a fat, your body won't convert any fruits unless you're eating a quart of blueberries a day, then your body will make fat with it sugar. Even if you're eating a lot of fat, it won't do that even.


And I sometimes do not lose weight even if I go off dairy. Your body just choices.


Your body wants to hold it if you have toxins in your tissues. That's why I like everybody to be fat if they're sick. You'll have protection. If you don't have protection, what's gonna happen when those toxins get free? They're gonna do more damage. Can you imagine internally, like you had the toxin come out and dry out the skin and cause itching?

It'll do that internally and you can't scratch it and you can't apply butter on it directly. You're gonna have to eat a ton of butter to get there or a lubrication/moisturizing formula and a lot of it to get there.

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