Eating Schedule For Weight Loss


weight loss

diet schedule

red meat

white meat



I wanna lose some weight and I'm thinking that I haven't gone over the down diet in a long time and what's a good way to do it? And can you kind of go between the down diet and regular. You go three days down, then eat a little bit more, and then go alternate.


Three days won't do it, you have to go on it four days.


Oh, so tell me the whole of what you would suggest. Now do you have different variations as well? Cause I heard some different things for different people.


Yeah, it depends upon the individual, how they digest maybe myself.

Well, I usually don't do that personal stuff, but we don't have many people, so I'll do it.

[#1 1/4 teaspoon butter + 1/8 teaspoon honey + 1 - 1.5 tablespoons cheese]

First of all, awake in the morning, just make sure you've got the poisons out because I know you had medication. So, eat some cheese first, probably only a pea sized amount of honey with it and bean sized amount of butter. Put the butter and the honey together, it's a very small amount. Don't put the cheese with the honey with the cheese directly. The honey goes with the butter and then you eat that. So, you have about 1/2 teaspoon of butter and honey mixture and then have that with a 1 - 1.5 tablespoons of cheese to absorb the poisons.


That much cheese?




That's a lot of cheese.


If you're not going to digest it.


Will the honey and the butter digest the cheese?


No, because the honey is so little. You're only having a pea size amount of honey, it'll be mixed in the pea bean sized amount of butcher So, it's gonna be reacting with the butter. That's just keep you from getting constipated if you're gonna on the weight loss.


I'm not having problems.


But are you losing weight? Because usually you won't lose weight if you're not going.


I don't know. I've lost a couple pounds.

[Attendee #2]

That 1/2 teaspoon of butter, honey?


I said 1/4 teaspoon of butter, 1/8th teaspoon of honey.

[Attendee #2]

No, but the thing is that combination of the butter. If you're gonna eat that with the cheese, isn't that going too still digest it?


The honey has to react with the cheese. If the honey is in the butter, it's not gonna react.


So, then that's your first thing you do in the morning?


[#2 Golf Ball Size of Patéed Meat]

Yeah. And then about 15, 20 minutes after that, have a golf ball size of meat and if you want to make sure you lose the weight and you absorb all of meat, then paté the meat.


So what about thinly slicing the meat, really grind it down?


If you don't grind it down, you're gonna have to produce a lot of hydrochloric acid. It's gonna take your energy away from burning fat.

Cause all you need once it's patéed is the bacteria.

[#3 Sport Drink]

I think the sport drink is the good thing to drink, sip one all day long.


Really? What about the honey?


Well, just cut the honey down to a tablespoon and you lower the coconut cream to one tablespoon, dairy cream to one tablespoon, but you still put the eggs in it, 2 - 3 eggs.

[#4 1/2 Cup Milk Before Bed]

Well, I've always told people to have 1/2 cup of milk before you go to sleep on the down diet. Ah, yeah. It's in the book. I also say sip milk throughout the day, but just don't drink a lot at one time.

[Large marble Size of Meat Every Hour (if not eating eggs)]


[Egg Every Hour]

Then about every, let's say hour, you have maybe a large marble size if you don't have the egg, you have a large marble size amount of meat every hour.

If you're doing the eggs, have an egg every hour. Well, you need the meat. If you're having a small amount of meat, you need it all day long, a small amount all day long. So, you have an egg one hour or every hour and a half. You wait till you're hungry on the down diet.

Normally, I never wait til I'm hungry.


I was gonna say, I'm not used to that. So, what if you aren't hungry for three hours?


Well, three hours is okay, you don't go over five hours without meat.


And if you're working out on the down diet, is that okay?


That's fine, just remember to sip the sport drink.

The book is regimented with bigger sizes of meat, golfball or meatball sizes of meat, 4 - 5 times a day and you're having juice. But I found that juice makes people too hungry. It can cause protein deficiency. So, I think it just eggs and meat, a little bit of milk and sport formula.

But you wait till you're hungry each time.


What if you like the juice? Can you still do it?


Well, it's gonna make you hungrier, but you may need it. You may need the green juice. I would just cut it down to four ounces at a time.

[Attendee #2]

Why do you need the green juice?


Some people may need it cause they're over acidic.


I think when I do this, I like doing beef because the beef gives you energy.


Oh, I eat mainly beef, except when I'm in Philippines, then I mainly eat fish cause I'm right there on the ocean.

[Attendee #2]

Do you still eat half white and red meat?

Yeah, you can do that. That's where people were just getting on the diet. People who were doing the diet for a little time. It is better balance, but my body's pretty clean, except for these injections. So, I can go on either meat, it's just if I'm on a down diet I'll eat the red meat.


I'm repulsed by chicken for a year or two now.

That's all I ate before. I don't know if it's the quality of the chicken.


Almost all your chickens are fed all processed.

[Attendee #2]

Why does the green juice make you hungry?


Well, it provides enzymes for digestive acids and then the body looks for foods to digest.


So, stay on that four days, what'd you say to lose weight?


You have to stay over four days in a row to be consistent with it. You could take three days off on something else, but I found you'll gain a lot of it back fast if you only do it three days.


If I want to lose 40 pounds, just go on the down diet for 30 days straight?


That's what I do, yeah. rid of it.


So, you can go straight through it.




But if you feel like you're getting too intense detoxes, go back?


I would go back on to a regular diet if I didn't feel well. So, how long would it take to lose weight?


How much weight to lose in a week?


I can lose probably 8-10 pounds a week. Other people don't lose it as fast cause they're healthy as I.


So, if you have toxic fat, like I know there's cellulite now that came back, I never saw it before.

Like you said, it came pushed out to the outside. That doesn't make you sick when you're coming on the down diet, all the toxins are gonna get released now, right?


Well, they're gonna get released through the skin, so you'll have rashes and hives and things like that.

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