Eating Only Kefir Compared To Fresh Milk


fermented dairy


fresh milk


food preparation




how much

how much milk



I love to take cream in hot water, little hot water and a lot of cream.


Your going to demineralize your bones if you do that.

Cream already demineralizes, that's why I had people using cheese with the cream to bring it down to a certain level and you add water to it, you can really demineralize.


If you add water to the milk?




I mean, if you just put a dab of hot water.

It's just a little.


Let me pour just a little bit of hot water down your throat and see what happens. You're only gonna burn the esophagus and part of the stomach in your mouth, but how are you going to eat after that? You're not gonna eat for a couple weeks and then you may die if you won't be able to eat, unless you're gonna intravenously feed you or put the whole tube in your stomach to feed you.

Same thing happens in the cells, the orifice of the cell is burned solidly shut.

[Attendee #2]

Do you think it's a good idea to keep your milk warmer when making kefir? Like if you want a certain type of bacteria.


If you want to make it quicker. I just come back from a trip an dI had no warm fresh milk, cultured milk. I'll put it in a bowl with warmer water. I'll put honey in it first cause then they'll thicken quickly, within like 15, 24 hours, I have kefir, thick kefir, if I will heat the milk like that three, four times in a 24 hour period with honey it.

[Attendee #2]

I was wondering if there are different types of bacteria where different temperatures might be more beneficial?


There probably are, but they're always the same bacteria, just like between a human being and an eskimo. Or a human being and a tropical.

They're both humans, of course a human Alaskan's gonna tolerate the cold weather more than the tropics.

[Attendee #2]

What's the minimum amount of time?


For me, it's two hours. If I put it in hot water, let that sit in that water for an hour and then I reheat the water again and leave it in there for an hour I can drink it. There's no problem.


We were talking about amount of sour milk and ordinary milk. If you had an idea of what would you say, how much of each?


I would say with your system, and most people are very toxic, 2/3 sour & 1/3 fresh.

[Attendee #3]

I've been doing 100% sour.


Are you eating cheese?

[Attendee #3]



Then probably you're not going to have a problem, but still it's better to have a little bit more fresh.

Kefirs already predigested, it's broken down, so you're gonna get a lot more from it. But there are certain mineral bonds that don't occur in the sour that are in the milk.

[Attendee #3]

So, should I do a 50/50? or two?


I'd say 1/3.

[Attendee #3]

1/3 regular milk and 2/3 kefir?



When I did my experiments with eating nothing but kefir, I started getting tremendous gas and diarrhea.

So, you haven't taken it to that point. I can't do it. I have to eat 1/3 fresh milk, 2/3 kefir.


You probably do take quite a bit more milk?


Yeah. If I'm eating kefir it's 1 quart per day, if I'm drinking milk, it's two quarts.

[Attendee #2]

I'm not drinking that much. I'm drinking three quarts a week.


Well, I stay away from water.

[Attendee #2]

Well, I don't drink much water either. You totally stay away from water?


During the winter. probably had a cup of water all week.

Sip here and there.


What kind?

Does it matter?


Well, you should always drink water in glass. So, it can be Avion if you want flat water, it can be sparkling water, as long as it's naturally sparkling like Gerolsteiner, San Pellegrino.

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