Eat In The Middle of The Night


diet schedule


protein deficiency






Okay. Do you have a question?


Yeah. I've been on a diet about 14 months now. I've just been feeling really bad the last month. I've had a bronchial infection that won't go away and I'm so stiff and sore that it took me about 10 minutes to get out of bed in the morning cuz I can't straighten my legs.


Are you waking during the night and eating or are you spending your whole 8 hours asleep?


Usually asleep.


You gotta wake up and eat.




At your size, you're probably losing 4 - 6 tablespoons of red blood cells. As soon as 5 hours passes, your blood has not enough protein to feed the red blood cells.

So, the red blood cells start eating other red blood cells for the protein, become cannibalistic. Fasting is a terrible thing cause you're eating up your red blood cells.

What happens is you wake up with anemia, everybody's waking with anemia, so they go for a drug: caffeine, nicotine, something like that, pump them up, give them energy. A hundred years ago you had to be rich to afford coffee and nicotine, unless you're growing it. Now people live on it. Pardon?


But they didn't wake up every couple of hours and eat either, right?


Well, they weren't as toxic as we are, but they did. They woke up during the night, absolutely. Almost everybody that I knew and have interviewed always woke during the night sometime and would have something to nibble on cause they wake up cuz they were hungry.

[Attendee #2]

When I get up to pee at night, I always pop an egg.


Pop an egg. There you go, perfect.


But I'm really stiff all day too. It's like anytime I sit.


Just remember if you get anemic in the night, you're gonna have a hard time getting going in the morning cuz your body's trying to deal with the anemia.

All of this nutrients are gonna go be going to the bone marrow and your joints. And if you got toxic bone marrow and toxic joints, because let's say you have Crohn's or some leaky gut problem, you're gonna have the exact symptoms you have.

So, it sounds like you not only have Crohn's, you cause anemia every day.

So, you need to suck eggs all day long. Probably have 22 a day and wake during the night to have your protein during the night.

Now, if you're a person who wakes after five hours and eats and can't go back to sleep, cuz you have too much energy, then set your alarm for three hours, and then you sleep five hours.

Let me tell you, if you're causing anemia every day, that's gonna go on for ages 6 - 7 years. So, you need to take care of your basic things, don't get anemic. Take care of that and these detoxes usually don't last over a year and a half. Normally, they last about anywhere from 2 - 6 weeks and then they pass on. Unless you've got a real serious bronchial problem, toxicity, but I've seen them last up to a year and a half. That's the worst case scenario.


I've had lung infections for many years before the diet.


And you took antibiotics for it?




Oh, good.


But I did take colloidal silver.


Poison yourself with minerals.

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