Dry Skin - Honey and Cheese Will Dry You







fat deficiency

dry skin


food sourcing

bone marrow



See how dry your skin is on your face? That's how dry you are in your head. You're gonna leech fats and water from your eyes are gonna be deficient. The only way you can do that is you have to put lots of primal facial body care on your face daily, and you put honey and butter in your mouth frequently, just keep rolling it around. If you taste a toxic taste when you're rolling it around, spin it out. Get rid of those poisons. Put some fresh stuff in.


So, honey and butter, not honey and cheese.


No, honey and cheese will dry. Honey and butter.


All right, honey and butter and coconut cream on my face or the other facial cream that you-


The Primal Facial Body Care Cream and it's new and improved. Instead of using one third coconut cream, butter and dairy cream, you still use those, but now you cut them down to a fourth of the ingredients andadd bone marrow. So, it's a quarter bone marrow now.


Where do you get the bone marrow?


I get it from North Star Bison. You can get a delivery when you get stuff from Cynthia. She gets it from Rawsome in Los Angeles. So, you can order it through her, or you order direct from North Star Bison and you get it popped out of the bone already, half the price.


Oh, they have it without the bone?

She'll sell it without the bone?


Yeah. They'll sell it without the bone.


I know you said Alicia should take that if she would.




How would she take that?


Just eat it.


With a meat meal or just anything?


With a meat meal is always better, before a meat meal is always better.


And how much does she have?


At least one of those bones a day.

While I'm in town, I eat a whole package. I eat 5 - 7 bones worth a day. So, I'm eating like about 1/2 cup bone marrow, even more, 3/4 of a cup if you press it down, so 1/2 - 3/4 of a cup of bone marrow I eat a day because I'm not in town much and I can't get it all the time,. So, when I'm here I power up on it.


What's it called? Is it bone marrow without the bone?


Yeah. Bone marrow without the bone.

[Attendee #2]

You mentioned before that she vaccinates the female bison.


Just the breeding ones, ones that breed offspring.

[Attendee #2]

Do you have to make a special request not to get the bone marrow?


I tell everybody THAT And she shot me an email about a month ago saying, "I do not sell any of the bones or any of the meat, any of the product for my breeding females. When they die, I ship them off to the dump, you know, to the bear, which means it goes still goes to dog food or something like that.

It goes off for waste. It's not for human consumption., anything.

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