Different Types of Meat


different meats


red meat






Do you have a question?


Yes, I do. I noticed you changed your emphasis on various things, before you used to be big on red meat and then red meat with butter was your big thing. Now you seem to change.


It depends upon the person.


Oh, now you're saying any meat is okay.


Any meat is okay depending upon what is right for your body.

If you're anemic, you're gonna need more red meat. However, if you're anemic and have a lot of activity rings in the eye, which means you produce a lot of hormones for physical activity. You should not eat much red meat because the red meat's going to give you more adrenaline, more testosterone, more estrogen for physical energy.

If you do that and you don't exercise enough, you're going to be in anxiety. Anxiety is not exercising enough for the amount of hormones that you have in your body.


Right. You used to be big on lemon juice with the green juice now it's vinegar. Are these just sort of updates?


Well, no. That was just particular people that I gave the lemon juice with.

If people had a lot of blockages and damage to their intestines and liver, I suggested lemon juice with their juice, but that was only those people. Sometimes if they had impacted intestines and very dark intestines from the irises. I had them have pineapple with her vegetable juice.

So, it depended upon the person.

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