Deviated Septum Surgery - Bump On Nose




deviated septum

radar gun


OK, do you have a question?


Can I just want to mention one thing? I have a deviated septum surgery way before the diet.

Now I'm feeling a bump on my nose is coming here and I feel it on the right side.

It's like a little bump.


Could be going from your bone marrow. Out through your skin, out through your harder tissue.

Then it may go through your skin. When it did for me it created cancer and took two thirds of my nose away.

Third of my head burn the whole way through my skul..


You know that emf y,know the police officers have that for speeding?


The radar?


The radar!

Radar guns, are they damaging when they go by?


It's damaging for them 'cause they're exposed to it for hours and all day long, but for us, we'd have to be underneath it all constantly for at least 20 minutes.


If you're getting emf?


Thats not EMF, that's radar, that's radiation.

Radio, radio signal.


If you get EMF, you would get the signs of static electricity or something?

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