Cocoa Nibs, Charcoal, Website and Book



aajonus plans



What about raw unheated organic chocolate?


It's fine. Cocoa beans, cocao nibs.

I've got a chocolate recipe for that. I don't think it's in the book, but I make ice cream with it, like orange chocolate ice cream and that's fine.

Just don't do it too often.

[Attendee #2]

What's the recipe?


You'll have to email me for it. I've got an orange ice cream and orange cheesecake, chocolate orange cheesecake.

[Attendee #2]

Don't do it too often because what? What's too often?


Because it's still high in theobromine and caffeine.

It can cause irritability, cause diarrhea, it can cause hyperactivity if you have to often. But if you're making the chocolate the way I said in the book, if you let it ferment like I suggest, tastes like rum chocolate and I love rum chocolate.

The actual cocoa beans, raw cocoa beans..

If you have it with the butter. If you make it the way I say to make it, that caffeine's not gonna be able to be released from the fat, nor will the theobromine and you get the taste of it.


That wasn't in your book though, was it?


No. This was something I created since- see, the coho beans weren't available at that time, and I wasn't finished with my two years experiments with it.


Can get that from you?


Like I say, I'm going to email them to Cynthia and then you can get the recipe from her.

There's a website that will be released this week or next week where I've contracted with this to make my books available in electronic form, PDF format. So, you will be able to search the whole book on your computer instantly, so you don't have to go through pages, go through the index and look around.

Also on the website itself, all the information that I have published and not published will be on that website along with all the books. So, if you want to search one thing, then we will give you a whole list of hits come up like that of information on a disease or a particular thing or a particular subject.

So, you have all of my knowledge at your fingertips like that and I think subscription is only $80 a year or something like that.


How will we know about that?


I'm going to email it out next week.

They'll sell hardback books, but it's mainly for my books in the electronic form. I've contracted for them, that's their exclusive and to have all my information searchable on their website and it's, we want two, the two is the numeral to live.

WeWant2Live and that's the website. You can go there and now and subscribe it's already ready. Just thatI haven't proofed it yet, and I was going to do that this week.


So, that means if somebody like was asking me about the mercury, and I've said that you've been to a laboratory and had the animals..that would be on that site?


That will not be on there until I finish the Detox Book [never happened] cause that information's in the Detox Book. Well, it's everything that I can release that isn't part of the book because I can't release the information in the Detox Book because of my contract with the publisher.

So, that will go on that website once-


But it'll be in the book too though?


Yeah, it'll be in the book and the website once it's on the detox book, once the detox book is published, hopefully in the fall.


But what I was trying to get at is, and I think others were asking, the information that will be on the website will be more than the than that's in both books.




Will be extra?


Yeah. There'll be interviews. He has interviews on, ppeople have interviewed me, the information I've given them and their questions and answers. I have two years of question and answer sessions like we're having here that were all transcribed, they'll all go on the website, so that in the next six months, you're going to have a plethora of information.


If I go on there for a question, for instance, it's a research on where that information comes from?


If I've given that, yeah, like in the book, what I've cited in the book, of course it will come up in the footnote or in the bibliography.

You're gonna have all that information at your hand without having to lead through a bunch of books and papers and pages. Will be like going to a electronic law library, which is a dream.

Because when I was studying law, word law and suing the city of Los Angeles, the police department, I mean, before they put all that stuff digitally, I would spend a week at the Law Library and get very little done. When they put all the law books on the websites of the universities, I was able to put the exact words that I wanted, I would'nt have to go read and read and look all through all this stuff. The hits would just come up like that.

So, I was able to write, you know documents in hours instead of weeks.

So, that way you'll have that information of and it'll keep building and also there's gonna be a newsletter that'll come out every two months giving new information.

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