



liver damage




Can you talk a little bit about cirrhosis, treatment and causes and-


Well, I didn't want to get into anything specific, any specific disease like that to a great extent, but cirrhosis, like I said in the book is basically the inability to reproduce cells to heal properly.

It can have been from too many x-rays, too many pollutants in the body, chemicals, anything that destroys the body's ability to reproduce cells, to build new cells in it.

Or the body can call out cells from other areas and deliver them to that area as scar tissue, as live cells, like an endometriosis.

Those people who have liver spots. Those are actually liver cells on the skin. The liver no longer utilizes them anymore because they're not functioning properly as a liver, but they will still function as a cell somewhere else in the body. So, they'll act as a skin, so the body can send them there. If your body can no longer have those particular hormones to call out cells out of other areas to go to that area and repair that one spot, you've got a problem with cirrhosis.

Inability to heal wounds and it may be because a concentration of contamination is in that general area or the faulty ability of the lack of hormones to call out those cells.

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