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The reason I got into the chemtrail issue, this is about in 2006, is because I developed the breathing difficulties. I had heart palpitations and I couldn't get enough air, even now I was a few days ago coming home, I know it's sad because I can look up and I can see and what you're seeing is not a picture because I recognize that many people have this problem.
It was announced by Russ County on Sky He said it's been tested on rats that it can induce heart attack. Now ,what I'm asking the, question is, what do you take for this? You use garlic? What do you do?
I put it in my newsletter, all about the chemtrails and what to eat.
I go into it in detail of what to do.
Oh, okay.
It's better just to get it from there because that's already written. That's out there.
What date is it?
Probably 3 years ago, 2.5 - 3 years ago. Do you remember it?
3 years ago comes to mind.
But you heard from somebody chewing garlic. Is that validity at all?
What's garlic got in it? It's got some oil and some of the esters might chelate with some of the toxins, but that's not gonna change. The problem is when those poisons get into the lungs, they get into the red blood cells. The red blood cells can no longer transport oxygen to the cells to generate energy. So, even though you're getting oxygen in the lung, you're not utilizing it in the body for the red blood cells to deliver it to the rest of the cells in the body to produce energy.
That's because of the chemtrail chemicals?
Eating something with high ammonia will help that, so they don't get into the red blood cells.
Coconut cream doesn't have ammonia?
No, it doesn't have ammonia in it. You'd have to get some rotten fish.
Or apple cider vinegar.
That's the way I do it with apple cider.
With the fish?
No, just apple cider vinegar.
Just drinking some? A tablespoon by itself?
Well, I talked about having a tablespoon with coconut cream.
You taped it.
You were asleep when I talked about it. But anyway, it's having coconut cream and some dairy cream or milk with your raw apple cider vinegar
Oh, a tablespoons of each?
No, I've got it all. It's just taped on there so you can get it.
Do you think chemtrails has anything to do with of fatigue?
It can have a lot to do with it, yeah. You got great red blood cells.
You shouldn't have any fatigue, unless the red blood cells are not delivering the oxygen.
So, I should look that chemtrail thing up and do it, see if it makes a difference.
Yeah. You have good red blood cells. I can see it in your skin. Your red blood cells aren't transporting oxygen.
[Attendee #2]
The source is chemtrails is what you're saying?
Well, it can be a lot of things with the old injections that you had cause you've got a lot of greyness in your skin, so that means you've got heavy metals in your skin, they're getting into the blood and of course they attach and affect the red blood cells and they can't transport oxygen.
So, you need to get something in there to bind with those poisons so they don't attach to the red blood cells and prevent them from utilizing oxygen.
[Attendee #2]
And so go back and read your article above the chemtrails?
Yeah, or just what I said too. You use the raw apple cider vinegar with the milk or cream and coconut cream.
No honey?
No honey. Honey would make you want to absorb it.
You could just gulp it down?
It's quite tasty, so I don't know that you want to gulp it, I sip it. I like the taste.
You gave the exact amounts?
Yep, exact amounts.
Everyone has a different reaction to it. This guy on the show, he can actually smell and taste it.
Not very many people can do that.
When chemtrails are going on I don't go outside without a mask.
Oh, really? What mask do you use?
I use my Israeli gas mask.
So heavy.
I don't care. I don't want that crap getting into my eyes and my nose and my mouth.
You can walk around this area? But not driving?
I've been pulled over, even by the border patrol.
I only use that I can breathe mask, that's all I use. That's a cotton mask.
That's not gonna do a lot. It'll help, you're gonna have to wash it often. When I've got chemicals like that, that little cloth isn't gonna help.
I use that cloth, that kind, in fact, I triple mine. I'll show you what I use on airplane.
What do they say to you when they pull you over?
They think I'm a terrorist about to go bomb someone.
Nobody uses the gas mask like that, unless they're a terrorist.
Where did you get all those masks?
I had this one made in Vietnam about 10 years ago. This is a organic cotton handkerchief and I roll it up, fold it and then roll it like this, and this goes here. I don't like the thing covering my whole face. I breathe through my nose and out my mouth. So, I go like this.
I have so many layers that all the poisons have to get through, the benzene in the airplane is not gonna get to me.
But I can wear that if I'm protesting with the sign or something?
Yeah. It completely covers the nostrils in many layers.
So, you use that when you fly?
Any other times?
Once in a while if I smell something, and I'm in the car, I have my bag with me. I'll pull it out anytime I smell something that's a problem.
Where do you get an organic cotton handkerchief? Just online?
I got this probably 10 years ago when they had this made too.
[Attendee #2]
See, that's the thing. Years ago, the cotton we're just so totally different, free of GMOs.
Well, you can still get organic cotton pretty easily.
So, Aajonus, are there a lot of chemtrails in the San Diego area?
Well, yeah. You've got quite a bit today. I watched them streaking the sky. I mean, not like you do in Los Angeles.
[Attendee #2]
It's true, Nancy, whenever you see the streaks, that's them doing their thing.
I have the I can breathe mask and if I go out, just fold that Cotton handkerchief and do it that way?
Yeah, you can do it that way. And if you're talking, then you want to have the mask to cover your face cuz you have a tendency to breathe through your mouth talking.
When I have this one, when you you have a tendency to breathe through the mouth. So, if I'm going to talk in an airplane, I've got it down here, then I will talk to you through it like that because everybody breaths through their mouth when they're talking.
But otherwise I breathe through my nose and out my mouth. I've even trained myself where I can breathe through my nose and out my mouth while I'm asleep. Because I sleep on the planes, I force myself to stay awake. Soon as that plane starts moving, I can be asleep like a baby. So, I force myself to stay awake till I get to where I can take my seatbelt off cuz I don't like that radiation being attracted to that buckle. So, as soon as I get up there, it's off. Sometimes I don't make it, I'm sleeping. I wake up three hours later, the seatbelt's still there, but I've learned to breathe through my nose and out my mouth while I sleep a while.