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Is there something called chemtrails or something like that planes release flying over places?
Can you tell me about that?
It's not a subject that I like to get into here, cuz it's a very complex one and the US government is bombing us and is spreading their waste products from industrial military development over us. It's got aluminum, it's got all kinds of- barium, other waste products from developing military weapons. They have nowhere to store it anymore, so they're bombing it all over the place.
So, the whole United States is like getting it pretty much?
When I was in Thailand in February and the US military was there. The US military goes to Thailand every year and does exercises with them and teaches them how to be good military people. And they were bombing there for the first time chemtrailing that whole area. Taught 'em how to chemtrail. So, it's happening all over.
It's all over Europe, all over Europe. These big military machines, they have to have somewhere to dump their poisons, so they dump it on their own population.
They have to spread it all over. They're doing it everywhere.
They can't bury it?
They're trying to thin it out everywhere, and there's so many people that it's okay to damage. The casualty rate is 500 out of 10,000. That's an acceptable loss that the military and the government considers okay.