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They shouldn't be drinking green juice. If they want, they'll go ahead and eat some grass and get the chlorophyll.
Okay, but it won't eat any old meats.
Cats usually won't eat old meat, only dogs and vultures, and the others Cats like fresh meat normally.
He's got dandruff.
His furs really soft, but he's still got dandruff.
Then he's just got a lot of toxins coming out through the skin. You have to understand cats, dogs do not perspire through their noses, mouth and asshole, and the penis. It's the only place they perspire. So, when they throw toxins off, they're not broken down. So, it goes into the skin, gets built into the skin, dries out the skin and flakes.
And that kind of dandruff is is what causes so many allergies in people. It's just years that you're going have to feed her properly, until she's not throwing off all those heavy metals out through the skin causing dandruff.