






What about cataracts?


Cataracts? That'll help cataracts. I would use both.


Both what?


Coconut cream and the lime juice and I would alternate them using the egg white in the eyes with cataracts.


So, the egg white, how do you use that?


I eat the rest of the egg white, I'm eating eggs all day long.


Okay, well some of us can't eat eggs all day long.


If I do it, I eat an egg. I use it and then eat the egg. That's it.

Then the next time I eat another egg, I can do it again if I want.

[Attendee #2]

Yep. That's what I do.


Well, then I would suggest you take one of those little one ounce or half ounce little containers, put a little egg white in there and close it. Keep it from oxidizing.


What about keratoconus? Same thing? Egg white or?


I would use a combination for that because that's always a scarring.


What is that?


It's a scarring of the inner layer of the cornea or right on the Iris itself.

[Attendee #3]

I've got an egg white method I've been using for the last few months. What I do is before I go to bed and when I get up in the middle of the night, I always use the eggs. I get an eight ounce jar. I crack the eggs in the jar. I stick my fingers in the egg white, and I just keep my eyes open and I just rub it all over. Kind of keep 'em slip and I down the egg. And then when I get up in three or four hours, I do the same thing, I do an egg and I stick my fingers in there.

I just keep my eyes open a slit and down the egg, it's much faster than doing that Aajonus. I could never get around to that.


But most people won't like that egg white all over their eyelashes and everything.

[Attendee #3]

I'm single, I live alone. So, I don't have to worry about,


So, they're not worried about your cakey white cause you will have that.

[Attendee #3]

I have that, but it comes off in the shower.

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