Carbs Store 90 Percent AGES


advanced glycation end products






Go in there and eat it up. Eliminate it because we just eat too much of it or the regular. We live too much on that in our lifetime, and we're full of it. The Columbia University found that humans, if they eat carbohydrate foods, store 70 to 90% of the byproduct, even if it's raw 70 to 90% of the advanced glycation end products are stored in the body, human body. 

That's a lot of sugar byproduct. So, that's why we want to get away from eating too much fruit or at least eat green fruit, so we don't have all those high carbs. We have more enzyme activity. So, the body has to use yeast to eat up this toxicity or else it remains in the body and causes disease. So, when a woman gets pregnant, she has to take care of that area pretty well. 

Or if the years are forming in the liver, candida, which is more skin oriented, but it can also go internally in the intestines. But there's lots of youth that propagates throughout the system, and they are necessary, they are all necessary. 

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