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Around the middle there, but I was interested in like buying maybe a place down there or renting and somebody mentioned that, "Oh, there's a cancer cluster here". So, I wanted to ask you, do you know how you find out? I tried to find some information out. There's two cell towers there also, and there's also a cancer cluster here in Carlsbad.
So, I mean, they're saying it's either from water.
There's cancer clusters everywhere now.
I know, but there's like 15 kids, five of 'em died here, right in Carlsbad.
You give kid a vaccine the day he pops out, the kid's gonna have a 60% chance of getting cancer before he is a teenager.
But there's too many in one place. Don't you agree? If it's a power plant or they're next to a-
No, because they do a lot of experimenting, how much can they put in here.
How much can they put what?
How much can they put in the vaccine? How much of this, how much of that.
They're screwing around. The military does it. Our government does it. They they go to a certain area and they'll experiment with them. They did it with 1 million people in Mississippi and they're doing it all the time.
So, you're saying if you live next to a power plant or if you live next to a military base.
If you're living next to a power plant, you're creating a higher risk of course.
If you live near a power tower, you're going to take a risk.
I know. And now these damn cell tower things, they're everywhere.
They're popping up more and more. You cannot go down 94 or here, they're everywhere. And I don't know, a lot of people are saying that the frequencies are just too much for our bodies to..
They are. If you're not healthy, yeah, they are
[Attendee #2]
So, you have to go on the raw food diet to get help.
Yep, exactly.
Just to sustain because we're already so damn toxic.
Yeah, we're already toxic. Definitely.