Butter On Plane







Without having enough butter and stuff, now I make sure I have enough butter with me. I take it up 30 - 50 pounds with me. I take it through with me. I have a letter from my doctor.

I tell them, "He's going to Asia. He's been diagnosed with cancer. The blood, bone, stomach and lymph. He was diagnosed as diabetic". This was 40 and 50 years ago see, but it doesn't say that when he was diagnosed.


Oh, he got the same letter.


No, no. What I'm saying, it's just that he was diagnosed with it, but it doesn't say when.

[Attendee #2]

I mean, if they look at you, then they shouldn't believe it.


will go through as if I was, I'll go through limping and crippled.



[Attendee #2]

Won't they sell you butter? What's wrong with Thai butter?

Can you buy butter in Thailand?


Yeah, but it's not as good.

[Attendee #2]

No, but won't they tell you that?


No, cause they don't know. They don't know you can get raw butter there. No, it says on the letter raw butter. What kind of cancer do you have?

[Attendee #2]

Won't they tell you, you can get raw butter here.


No, they don't know because it says in the letter, it's hard to find and get, and they don't provide it on the airplane.

So, I take two quarts of milk on with me.

When I go to Asia, it says in my doctor's letter, I take up to 50 pounds of butter, I take up to three quarts of milk sometimes, and then I have my honey, I take my meat.


So, the liquid of milk, you can take that on a plane?


No, not unless you have a doctor's letter.

[Attendee #2]

On American airplanes, they don't stop you with these stuff?


Not with my letter.

[Attendee #2]

And what about the guy sitting next to you.


don't give a shit. I've taken high meat and eating it right on the airplane. Stinky stuff.

And there was a biologist that was writing a food contamination paper and I was eating it right in front of her. The poor woman, she was like this. She was, she was like this.

[Attendee #3]

I wrote my own letter. Is that okay? I just said I had cancer.


No, that's fine. Once in a while, they'll call my doctor.

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