Bruises, Ice - Heat On Injury








That's if you're not on a good diet, but still, if you put ice on it, you've blocked the increase of circulation and nutrients to that area. You're going to scar.

When you get a damaged area like that, you've got red blood cells that are broken out of their veinous territory. That's what a bruise is, blood cells that have gotten out of the bloodstream. That's what a bruise is, red blood cells out of their environment. If you don't get nutrients in there, like lymphatic flow, neurological flow, excess blood flow in that area, you're not going to clean it out. It's going to remain in there, harden and scar.

I don't care what kind of a diet you're on. So, you can pack ice on it for two minutes to stop the pain, to numb the pain. Any more than that, you're going to freeze and shrink everything, and you're going to have scar tissue in that area.

Every athlete that I worked with does not burn out. I have one athlete, what's his name? Tim wall. Now this guy is already 61 years old.


Oh, he's older than that.


And he does 12,500 jump ropes an hour. Can you imagine that? When he came to me, he gave me the charts on it. His heart rate, when he finished within 3 minutes after he finished his heart rate is about 170 to 180, and it was like that every day for almost a whole year.

As soon as he started on the diet it decreased. Within 5 - 6 months on the diet his heart rate was 110. Went down from 170 to 180. After one hour of jump rope.

People who get injuries on this diet, if they use ice, you're going to scar. I don't care what diet you're on. You use ice only to numb it no more than two minutes. You put heat on that area, you stay off of it. You don't get back on the field. That's for the coach and the team, that's not for your welfare.

That's why these athletes burn out in their late thirties, cuz they're so scarred and injured.

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