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I mean, either the carry on-
If it goes through your luggage department, the radiation is a hundred times more than it is for your carry on, so carry it through. It can go through that level of radiation one time only without damaging it.
That's not the metal detector?
No, that's not the metal detector.
You walk through the metal detector.
You walk through it with your bag on?
They won't let you do that. It has to go through the scanner.
Oh, the scanner is okay?
I'm saying there's no way they're going to let you do it. Some people are able to talk security out of it, but not at LAX.
They're the biggest Nazi fascists people in the world. So full of their power. I go there with a doctor's letter that says my food is my medicine. I take them from the website for Homeland security, showing that all you have to do is ask them to hand inspect it, if it's your medication. My doctor's note says my food is my medication, but they will not let me.
Whys that? Why are they so-
Cause they're Nazis.
They don't let anybody have a good reason.
So the less worst is the scanner, right?
Your carry on. It can go through there one time because the radiation is low level and won't stay long.
When you put it through your check-in luggage that is heavy, heavy radiation. 100x higher. Cause they have to x-ray thick baggage, and if you've got, photographic material from movie Edison, and a company shipping stuff.
It's got to go through a lot of heavy stuff, even through metal.