Brewery Grains




chicken feed



The eggs that I buy, I talk to the farmer on how he feeds the chickens, and he said part of the feed that he gives is scraps around the farm. But a lot of the feed is what's left over after the breweries run water through grains to make beer.

Is that bad?


It's not great.


It didn't sound too good to me.


No, it's not good at all. We get our eggs from Lily and they run around on 10 acres. She does feed them some meat byproducts, although she's not supposed to, she does. She has an area, two acres for the eggs we want.


So, do you get the same eggs in the stores here?


No, she feeds them wrong. They're the same except she doesn't feed them any raw meat scraps.


We don't have good source of eggs down here.


You need somebody to run up to Los Angeles weekly.


We get it once a month.


Yeah, but you could do it once a week.

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