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mental function
More could I take to help brain function, like some work in phone, the computer thing?
You got a flat screen?
Okay, good.
But I still find myself trying to reduce my time in front of the things.
Well, do you, do you have a tower or do you have a laptop?
No, I have a laptop.
Do you have a separate keyboard?
Okay. You take an EMF meter and you put it over your computer. What model do you have?
I have a MacBook Pro.
Okay, so you're putting off right around 170 miligals, an electromagnetic field that's going up your hand into your brain all day long is going to dull your brain.
So, you need a separate keyboard and you keep the computer 9 - 10 inches away, the bottom of the computer has be 9 - 10 inches away from the top of the keyboard to not be in that field.
When I first got a laptop, I moved into a house at the same time and I started having all of my bone problems that when I had leukemia bone cancer, multiple myeloma. And I thought I was getting it back. And when I went away on a trip all of it went away and I didn't take my computer with me and I still thought maybe it was the house. I didn't know what it was, and I still didn't put it together, called in an environmental special to check for raydon, anything in the house. Only thing he found was a high emf field coming off my laptop computer.
He says, get a separate keyboard. Got a separate keyboard. I went out that day. I didn't let him out of the house, I made him sell me his equipment, so I never had to call another guy again cause I'd be testing everything after that. So I did, it took me an hour to talk him out of his equipment cause that'd be another week before he could get them made and stuff. So anyway, I got them and I got the separate keyboard and sure enough all the pain went right away witin 24 hours. So, that's probably a lot of it, but if you want to stimulate your brain.
I was gonna say, besides the blueberries and cream, what else do I eat?
Asparagus tips and juice the stalks. You can eat about 2 - 3 inches of the asparagus tip and then juice the rest of the stalk. Now your pees gonna smell very strange, but disregard that.
Now, what a lot of people do in India to increase brain function is they eat the asparagus like that and juice it, and then drink their urine after they have some kind of milk. We can do it after meat or anything like that and those particular proteins recycle that do the particular union that stimulates the brain. You may get let's say from eating asparagus and asparagus juice, you'll probably get a 15% - 20% increase in brain alertness, focus, however you drink your urine one time about six hours following having the asparagus as long as you've eaten a meat meal or had milk or eggs, then you will increase it like 20% - 27% brain function.
So, if you're really looking to stimulate the brain.
How would you have to drink?
Well, it depends on how much you urinate. Probably when I've experimented with it, 1/2 cup was enough, 3/4 of a cup didn't change it much, just a little bit.
Cup didn't change anything from 3/4 of a cup. So, 1/2 cup - 3/4 cup.