Bone Minerals, Soup, Thick Bodies, Weston Price



sally fallon

weston a price


cooked food

bone broth




It's all cauterized. Only thing you're gonna get that's whole and active are the poison metals in the bone.


What if it's organic?


It doesn't make any difference. Once you cauterized them, you are causing free radicals. See minerals naturally in a raw form, they work together in a perfect balance. Once you cook them, the calcium, the phosphorous, potassium, magnesium are crystallized and hardened either like a rock or like glass depending on the temperature, so they are no longer active.

It takes 20 times more calcium to do what calcium needs to do and still doesn't do it very well.

Is there a way to pull out those minerals in a different way, like soak them in something or is that?


Not necessary? Eat your cheese and honey together.


There's nothing in a bone?


That that will do anything different better.


You wouldn't be sucking the marrow out?


Oh, the marrow is different.

The marrow is the only place you're going to get a lot of stem cells. So, that's good for that.


But you can get most of it just by pushing it out anyway. I mean the marrow's not really within the bone itself.


It's in that center.


I think for people on a cooked diet, soup would probably be somewhat beneficial for them?


It would be, but what's going do is, you remember John Travolta and how thin he was?




And how thick he is now. Well, that's what it creates. Remember Kevin Costner?

You remember him in No Way Out? Skinny. Now thick all over.


And Val Kilmer.


Yeah, same way. These people eat lots of bones, soups and broths and stuff like that, cuz of Sally Fallon. So, then they have all these minerals you can't use in the fluid system, so they go into the bone, so they keep developing all this bone and thick tissue.


So, you're saying John Travolta followed that diet?


He does pretty much, yeah.


Oh, I didn't know that.


A lot of those stars do.

[Attendee #2]

Who's that from?


Well, the Price Foundation. She left because of me.

There's 12 Board of directors of Price Pottenger and when my book came out, 9 of them wanted to go Gungho on mine and dump hers She, Mary Enig and another person on the board after a year and a half of fighting the president and all the other people wanted to favor, my diet is better, they left. So, Mary Egg and Sally Fallon went off and created The Western Price Foundation.


Oh, that's how it's different.


What was the original board that you're talking about?


Price Pottenger Foundation.


Oh, and this is the Western Price Foundation.


I thought they were basically the same thing. Man, we different or interesting.


Theirs is out of DC, and this one is out of San Diego, LA.

[Attendee #2]

Does she recommend bone broth?


Yeah. Probably half of the foods are cooked.

[Attendee #2]

For what reason?


Well, you have to read her books. We're not gonna discuss that here.

The broths will allow you to absorb a lot of minerals in the bone broths, but it's going to be unavailable, thickened, hardened tissue. Not to help clean lactic acid outside the body, not to help neutralize anything in the in the blood or over acidity.

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