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body odor
When you're at a point health wise that you feel fine physically and stuff, do you work out and stuff like that? Because the reason I'm asking you, I was wondering, like when you're at your peak of health, what you would consider that, do you get any kind of feedback as to what kind of body odor you may or may not have, or how your fecal matter smells.
No, don't ever look at that. It takes 40 years to regenerate the body, 40 years. So, from the time you start on a good, perfect diet, it could be 40 years before you can expect your body not to stink because there's degenerative tissue throughout the system, it takes 40 years to get rid of it. That's pretty good, that's about a little over 2% a year. Could you imagine redoing New York in two percent a year. There's no way you could do it. Our body is pretty amazing to be able to do a 2% a year, so you can expect to stink 40 years.
[Attendee #2]
Isn't it the meat that makes it- when I was on macrobiotics, it was like a little baby, there was never any smell.
But you were not detoxifying anything either. You can't detoxify anything on that diet, it just makes everything stabilize because you're on an intense advanced glycogen...